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McCartney Appointed to Editorial Board of The Journal of Property Research

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Dr. John McCartney, Director of Research at Savills Ireland, has been appointed to the Editorial Board of leading academic publication The Journal of Property Research.

The Journal of Property Research is an international journal which aims to further the understanding of property market dynamics by publishing scholarly articles on land development, property investment and finance.  Submissions to the journal undergo a strict double-blind peer review process and are normally evaluated by at least three referees.

Since 1991 the journal has published ground-breaking research on subjects such as property cycles, rent forecasting, development models etc. and the scope of its content is global.

The Journal of Property Research is Edited by Prof. Bryan MacGregor of the University of Aberdeen.

John McCartney joined Savills as Director of Research in 2013.  Previously, he was Head of Research at Lisney and a Statistician in the Macroeconomic Statistics Division of the CSO. He has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Ulster and earlier attained first class honours Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees in economics and related subjects from the NUI and DIT.

John has published numerous property articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and is a well-known commentator on property in the national media.


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